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Shamanism Around The World

Shamanism is a diverse and ancient practice that has been observed in various cultures around the world for thousands of years. From the Hmong tribes of Laos to the Aghoris in India, shamans have played a crucial role in their communities, acting as spiritual guides, healers, and intermediaries… Read More »Shamanism Around The World

Was Religion Founded on the Concept of Our Ancestors Tripping on Mushrooms & Other Entheogens?

It’s no secret that people from all eras and cultures have used hallucinatory drugs to attain exalted states of consciousness, which they take to mean divine understanding. In The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, John Allegro tried to show that this idea was built into the language and… Read More »Was Religion Founded on the Concept of Our Ancestors Tripping on Mushrooms & Other Entheogens?

The Chakras Explored

The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. They are energy vortexes located at certain points in the human body. It is taught that there are twelve to fourteen chakras in the body with seven major ones that rotate and draw in energy ancestrally known as… Read More »The Chakras Explored